Computational Physics

Mississippi State University has an extremely active group in computational physics. With the advent of readily-accessible high-performance computers, computational physics has emerged as a methodology for investigating physical phenomena from the scale of quarks and gluons to the scale of atoms and molecules and materials to the scale of the galaxies and even the universe.

At Mississippi State University, active research is being conducted in computational physics in areas of quark and nuclear matter, few nucleon systems, rotating and superheavy nuclei, superfluidity, superconductivity, carbon nanotubes, high-strength alloys, magnetic materials and devices, and neutron stars.

Research on computational physics is also supported by the world-class computing facilities at the High Performance Computing Collaboratory, including the Center for Computational Sciences and the Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems.


Anatoli Afanasjev

Anatoli Afanasjev

Professor, Theoretical Low-Energy Nuclear Physics (Computational)

134 Hilbun Hall

R. Torsten Clay

R. Torsten Clay

Professor, Computational Physics

233 Hilbun Hall

Seong-Gon Kim

Seong-Gon Kim

Professor, Computational Physics

237 Hilbun Hall

Mark A. Novotny

Mark A. Novotny

William L. Giles Distinguished Professor, Computational Physics

215 Hilbun Hall

Gautam Rupak

Gautam Rupak

Professor, Nuclear Theory

145 Hilbun Hall
